Sunday, December 16, 2012

Psalm 77:16

The waters saw You, God. The waters saw You; they trembled. Even the depths shook. Psalm 77:16 (HCSB)

When the Israelites were on the run from Egypt they came to the edge of the Red Sea. I would image at that point they would be filled with anxiety and fear. The Egyptians were behind them, and they would never make it trying to go north because it was too long a trip. God actually led them to this point and there they stood looking at the Red Sea. However, God displayed His power and the waters parted, and they were told to go across at this location. I would also imagine that any of us in this situation would be loaded down with an anxious feeling as we crossed via the sea bed. But something must have caught their attention while they passed through as they watched the water seeming fight to stay pulled back. The water must have appeared to be afraid at this moment as well. The Israelites were afraid / anxious about the water, but the water was afraid of the power of God. This is what the Psalmist seems to be trying to point out. Even the very powerful force of the water, although way outside the control of the Israelites, continued to be under God’s control.

Matthew describes a great New Testament version of this idea in chapter 14 of his Gospel. The disciples were on the boat out on the Sea of Galilee. While they were there a huge storm blew in and they became very fearful / anxious. Then Matthew tells us that Jesus came to them by walking on top of the crazy waves generated by the storm. The picture Jesus gave to them (and gives to us) is that the very thing causing them to be scared or anxious was already under His full control (under His feet).

The bottom line here is that God wants to show us that behind every event in life that causes us to become anxious or fearful are already under His total control. That is what the psalmist learned as he pondered the crossing of the Red Sea.


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