Friday, April 25, 2014

10 Qualities that can make your personality attractive

Someone with an attractive personality:

1. Is warm and friendly towards others

2. Is open and real

3. Knows their own strengths and weaknesses - and neither boasts nor puts themselves down

4. Looks for the good in every situation, and is generally positive and optimistic

5. Doesn’t gossip or pass on others’ secrets

6. Doesn’t gloat when things go wrong for others

7. Is secure and has a healthy self–esteem; is not self-centered and narcissistic

8. Is not highly critical or argumentative

9. Is not possessive and jealous in relationships

10. Makes time for the people they care about


Saturday, April 19, 2014

The Truth About Life …

1. Things never, ever go according to your plan

2. You’ll always meet with unexpected snags and obstacles

3. Not everyone will like you, or want to be your friend

4. We all lose motivation and want to ditch our dreams

5.  Success is transitory – the happiness will pass

6. We all get disappointed and let down by our friends

7. But attitude is everything – we choose how to react

8. There’s always something good, if we will only look for it

9. There are those who “play it forward”, and who’re helpful and kind

10. And life is full of chances, new beginnings and fresh starts.  


10 Traits that Lead to Success

1. Independence

2. Self-confidence

3. Persistence

4. Creative thinking

5. Being thick skinned

6. Knowing who you are and what you want from life

7. Setting clear goals – and going after them

8. Staying focused

9. Optimism

10. Passion and a zest for life.


How To Make Yourself Do What You Don't Want to Do

1. Rather than listening to the voice in your head that is screaming “I hate this; I don’t want to do this” think about why it is a GOOD thing to do.

2. Instead of trying to pretend that you don’t feel this way, accept that you are feeling negative.

3. Don’t think about results and how well you think you’ll do, as this could raise your feelings of anxiety and fear, just think about “right now” and the first thing you can do.

4. Accept that life is tough, and is full of things that are hard – but recognize that doing hard stuff is better in the end. You’ll likely have more choices and freedom, if you do.

5. Just do a little bit for now – then give yourself a proper break – then go back and do some more – and soon you’ll find you’re in the flow.

6. Don’t allow your mind to wander and think of other things. Stay focused for that short time – and then stop, and have fun.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Pray for Pastor Bob Coy

5 Ways to Help You Become Confident Without Being Arrogant

1. Be Approachable – People tend to be uncomfortable around those who are stand-offish or keep their distance from others. Being warm and friendly will help put others around you at ease.
2. Be Genuine – People who are not transparent, insincere, give false complements, and/or try to impress others can be spotted a mile away. The antidote is to be who you truly are. Be a “real person” and do not put up a front. 

3. Be Humble – Share praise with others every time you get the opportunity. Give others credit for what they do well.

4. Listen to people and be willing to ask for advice – The proud know-it-alls never wants input from others. They do not value the viewpoints of others. We appreciate it when others want to learn from our experience, or when they want to know what we really think.

5. Recognize your weaknesses and mistakes – Doing this will move you up the likeable scale in a big way because you will appear more human.


7 Questions to Help You Change Your Life

1. If you had all the money in the world, how would you choose to spend your life? 

2. What makes, and when do, you lose yourself…and later realize that you lost all track of time?

3. What lifts your spirits on a dark day?

4. When you are old, and you look back on your life, what things will matter to you the most?

5. What are 3 things that you really hope to achieve in life?

6. What kind of person do you want to be?

7. Who would you say is a role model for a life well-lived?