Friday, April 19, 2019

We All Wear Masks

Our true identity is often hidden behind the masks we wear.

Masks contain complete social representations of who we are.
Others look at the mask each of us is wearing and understands what it represents, and they know what mask to wear themselves.
We have all seen a masked formal ball in a movie or on television.
Each person wearing a mask and dancing with one another with each person’s true-self safely concealed beneath.

Masks protect us and facilitate our interaction with others.
We each wear a specially chosen mask in different situations to be the people we want, or in some cases need, to be.
Masks may be provided by others who want to force people into various cultural roles.
Masks provide a position of safety as we hide our anxieties behind masks of power and security.
We wear layers of masks, so that if one is removed, the true-self is not found beneath, but just another mask.
There is nothing new about the metaphor of wearing masks. We wear them to protect our vulnerable inner true-selves. We also need to fit in with society and wear masks that project social conformance. 
Masks can, and very often they do, lie as we try to hide our true-selves. It only seems fair to wear misleading masks to help insure our protection and acceptance. They are useful as positive forms of coping mechanisms that help us to handle the difficulties of social life.
Who are you under that mask...really...who are you?