Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Those Foolish Galatians

Paul called the Galatians “foolish” because they had received the gospel message by faith, but had reverted back to a works based theology. They were no longer relying on faith alone to save them, and they had been led astray by false teaching. Not just a little different from what they had learned, but teaching that was drastically different. Paul had expressed that external differences between people did not make one person better than another. The Judaizers were making just the opposite distinction. They were teaching that some were superior to others based on who they were.

When we come to the point of accepting God’s free gift of eternal life, we need to understand it is an act of faith, and that there is nothing we could do to earn that gift. After we are saved one of things we must avoid is the idea we are better than those who are not. Are we better off? Yes we are definitely better off, but we continue to be fallen human beings saved by grace. We are no better or no worse than any other person, and nothing we can do will earn us any superiority points.

To avoid ending up in this situation, we need to a few things. First, we need to remember who we are in Christ. Second, we need to serve others. The best medicine when we feel like we are better than others is to serve them, share with them, and lead them to Jesus. Finally, we need to pray. We need to pray for forgiveness when we don’t live up God’s standards. We need to pray for those who don’t know Jesus. We need to ask God to bring people into our lives with whom we can share the gospel.

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