Friday, December 9, 2016

Wisdom for Today

1. Life is a mixture of experiences. Some of them are painful and some are great.

2. If we accept responsibility for our lives, we’ll have a lot more say and exercise much more control. 

3. Avoiding pain will bring some temporary relief … But pushing through the pain often reaps more benefits. 

4. Time is very precious and can never be regained – so try not to waste your opportunities. 

5. If we treat people poorly we will suffer in the end as we all need one another to succeed and grow in life.

6. Choose to learn from the past – then let it go, and live your life. Today is a precious gift that you will miss, if you look back. 

7. Life is constantly changing, and our friendships often fade. So make the most of the present, and understand it will not last. 


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