Thursday, November 13, 2014

Vision Casting. Why Not Now?

A vision is a 'motivating view of the future.

It creates pull. It gives direction.

Think about what you are trying to achieve. 

Go out into the future. Look around and see what is there.

Step into the shoes of others and see, hear and feel as they do. 

Walk a mile with them.

Look at your plans and seek their direction, then follow that line.

Make it memorable
A vision only works when it is remembered and is up-front-and-central in your thoughts for most of the time - especially when you are making important decisions in this area.

If the vision statement is long, then it will not be remembered. If it uses bland words or motherhood-and-apple-pie statements, it will not be remembered. If it is the same be-the-best vision that everyone else uses it will be yawned at.

Use dynamic and emotive words that to paint motivating pictures. Use words like 'sharp', 'now' and 'value'.
Phrase it in the present tense to make it more immediate. Use 'is' rather than 'will'.

Use active verbs that talk about what is happening. Use 'suffering' rather than 'pain'.

Test it with others to ensure it works for them too.

How it works
Visioning works because we are imaginative beings and are motivated by what we perceive as a possible or desired future.

It is also affected by our ability to recall thoughts. By making it easy to remember and associated it with stronger emotions, we make it easier to bring fully back into memory when it is needed (rather than 'Now what was that vision? It seemed good at the time...'.)

A good vision is both realistic and stretching. Too far into the future and it does not create pull. Too close to today and it is just another plan.


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