Saturday, May 30, 2015


In leadership, confusion reigns until someone makes things clear. Clarity is what great leaders bring to the table.

The leaders who make the most progress make the fewest excuses. And the leaders who make the most excuses make the least progress.

If you think small you will stay small. If you think it’s not possible, it won’t be.

Great leaders are continually assessing and reassessing how they spend their time, energy and resources.

How you speak to yourself matters. Rather than saying “I can’t” (even internally), great leaders instead say “I won’t”.

Self-discipline is simply taking responsibility for your actions, health, attitudes, schedule, words, mistakes and decisions.

The greatest leaders in the corporate world are…humble. They are determined, but they’re not selfish. Jesus would agree. They believe in a cause greater than themselves and serve the organization or cause they’re a part of. They don’t expect it to serve them. If you want to be great, die to yourself.

The greatest bosses realize their employees don’t work for them, they work for their employees.

Early risers do better in life. They’re happier, healthier and more productive.

Great leaders are rarely late. This is another simple leadership discipline that can get you far.

The best leaders take time off. They don’t work 24/7. They realize they have limits and they respect them.


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