Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Useful is Captive to the Moment

“Useful” is a very interesting word. My truck is useful, my computer is useful, and my tools are useful.

Is religion useful?

As I have read and studied about ancient Greece and Rome I have noticed something interesting. It is said that, all religions were, to the common people, equally true, to the philosophers, equally false, and to the governing bodies, equally useful.

There is that interesting word “useful.”
The way ancient governing bodies used the word “useful” was similar to how one might have used a fence to keep the livestock contained, or, in reality, like a boundary to keep society in check.

An important point to remember is; religion based on truth, when reduced to only a sociological function [usefulness], will disintegrate through abuse.

Which leads to this conclusion:
History shows us that pragmatism [a variation of usefulness], defined by doing whatever works, in the long run doesn’t work because it is captive to the moment.


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