Saturday, November 14, 2015

How to Improve your Confidence

1. Be willing to fail more often because that means you’re taking on more challenges, and being prepared to try, learn and grow. 
2. Keep track of improvements, positive changes, successes, growth and accomplishments. Write them down.

3. Don’t compare yourself to other people. The only person you’re competing against is yourself. Also, DO NOT compare your struggles with other peoples’ successes and high points.

4. Work on your posture and your fitness levels. They affect our appearance, and how we feel about ourselves.

5. Don’t just hang out with people you are comfortable with. Also, intentionally gravitate towards those who are new or different.

6. We’re influenced by those that we spend time with. So, make friends with people who have values and exhibit good character.

7. Be a true friend to yourself – and shut off any commentary that is negative, attacking and lacking in compassion.

8. Commit to practicing these different skills because they’ll take root in time, and change the way you act and feel.


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