Thursday, March 9, 2017

Is Life Trying to Tell You Something?

1. The same themes and patterns (which are usually self-defeating) keep reappearing, or repeating themselves.

2. Unresolved issues and heartache from your past, are stopping you from living and enjoying your life now

3. You have trouble coping with powerful emotions – like overwhelming anger or extreme sadness.

4. You feel anxious, restless and dissatisfied, and feel as if something in your life needs to change.

5. You feel confused or surprised by something that has happened, and can’t pick up the pieces and “be normal” again.

6. You keep pushing down your feelings, and denying your emotions, but they keep resurfacing – and just won’t go away.

7. You make superficial changes because you’re scared of digging deeper.  - but that doesn’t work because the real problem is still there.

8. You can’t let go of something that meant a lot to you – a disappointment, or a failure, or a past relationship.

If any, or all, of these hit close to home, life is trying to tell you something.
Stop, think, get help, and formulate a plan to move forward.


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