Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Living or Just Existing?

If you want to really live, and not just exist, then YOU REALLY NEED TO DO THESE THINGS:

1. Love other people in a selfless way. You may get hurt, or you may suffer disappointment, BUT you’ll gain more than you ever stand to lose.

2. Develop an appreciation of  being outside - and spend more time outdoors. It’s good for your health.

3. Take chances. It’s clearly stupid to throw caution to the wind, BUT we thrive and grow the most when we try to stretch ourselves. Take a risk, branch out, and have new experiences.

4. Find your passion. It’s good to experiment and to try different things, BUT we also NEED to discover what our true passion is …and then invest ourselves and our time to that.

5. Decide what is important and what is not … then eliminate time wasters, and focus on essentials.

6. Deal with the scar tissue from the past that is preventing you from really living. You don’t have to live in fear. Go see a counselor – it will be good for you.

7. Laugh as much as possible (without looking crazy) it’s one of the best things you will do for your health. It will greatly improve your relationships, and help you gain perspective.

8. Eat more chocolate. ( I am not kidding) It will help to improve your mood. BUT the main reason is that too much self-control can slowly drain your energy.


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