Friday, March 22, 2019

How to Start Loving Who You Are

1. Start by being kind and gentle with yourself. There are plenty of people who would love to criticize … So be your own protector and your own best friend.

2. Choose self-love over self-hatred. Many people find they drift back and forth between these two extremes – but over time gravitate more towards one or the other (through involuntary thinking and their inner dialogue) … So actively reject self-hatred, and then exercise self-love.

3. Stop being harsh and judgmental and accept your imperfections. We’re all flawed and broken, and we all make mistakes.

4. Start enjoying who you are and being alone with yourself. Embrace solitude, and the chance to be with “you”.

5. Think of all the different things you’re grateful for in life, and the people who have loved you, and have seen the good in you. As you do that, you will start to value who, and what, you are.


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