Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The fossil record

Darwin stated that if one can’t find all of the fine, graduated evolutionary steps in the fossil record, then one can rightly reject the theory.

If speciation requires many thousands of morphological changes, there should be some fossil evidence of those changes – Darwin agreed they weren’t there, but only because we hadn’t dug up enough fossils

120 years after Darwin’s time we have a lot more fossil evidence than he did, but we have even less support for his evolutionary theories

Theory of punctuated equilibrium – offered by evolutionist Gould because of the lack of evidence in the fossil record; purports immediate speciation to account for the missing links

Icons of Evolution – used for years as “proof” of evolution – all are inaccurate and outdated

Theory of directed panspermia – purports that the first living cell was sent to earth from another planet – offered by Crick because evidence was overwhelmingly against spontaneous generation

Evolution again fails Darwin’s own test

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