Friday, May 30, 2014

How to make your ideas attractive to others

Our values and other rules give strong direction to our behavior. Although we may sometimes break our values, social norms, morals and ethics, when we know others will know that.

If we do not follow values, we will feel shame. Just the anticipated feeling of shame is enough to force us to comply, especially if a person is making a direct appeal to our values.
This is the appeal often used by charities. "You know it's right to help the elderly and infirm."

Transactional Analysis describes how we may use our 'child' ego state to appeal to the other person's 'adult' state. "Oh please, Ma, do buy me that new dress!". We may also appeal to the to other person at any TA level. We can even do child-to-child wicked appeals. "Hey, let's have some fun!!"
You can also appeal to their role. Appeal to a manager for a decision. Appeal to an engineer for an explanation. If people are wearing a suit, they will act as if they are the suit.

Appeal to needs, greeds and addictions
"Hey, would you like some chocolate?" Appealing to things that people can't resist is usually a certainty. "Would you like to have a million dollars? Now?"

Appeal to their better nature.
Appeal to common values of decency.
Talk to the child in them. 
Or the parent. 
Or even the rational adult.


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