Friday, January 20, 2017

How to Cope with Change

1. See CHANGE as a process, not a one-time event.

When you make a change in your life, there are lots of small adaptations to be made.

It takes time to process and adjust to those changes – so be patient with yourself.

2. CHANGE the way you think about change.

Try to see it in a positive light.

Even although there are lots of negatives and challenges, you’re likely to benefit in the end.

3. Face your FEELINGS, and especially the negative ones.

If you don’t, they’ll simmer beneath the surface and make it harder for you to cope.

Feelings are neither good nor bad.

They just are. If you feel bad, you feel bad!

4. Notice any areas where you have CONTROL as that will help you to feel less trapped or boxed in.

5. Pay attention to your THOUGHTS and ATTITUDES –

and choose to look for the positives, and to frame uncertainties in a hopeful way.

6. Stay in touch with people who care, and can act as a SUPPORT in this time of change.



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